I. C. C (Individual Comunication Council)                                                                - Introduction - 

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I. Introduction to Networks

  A.Growth of Subject 
        1.In the last 5-10 years many companies have made a transition in how they organize their computer systems. They 
          have moved from distributed systems (mainframe and terminals) to networks (servers and personal computers.) 
          This new approach saves money (price/performance ratio goes up faster than linear!) and allows greater access to 
        2.In the last 3 years 
             a.Teachers, high school students, etc. all have E-mail accounts and are accessing information via the Internet 
               and the WWW. 
             b.WWW makes information available in an attractive format (as opposed to Gopher, etc.) 
             c.Commercial networks (America Online, Compuserve, etc.) are providing network services along with 
               Internet Navigators. 
        3.In the past, the network was the playground of research scientists (physicists, meteorologist, etc.) who needed 
          powerful computers. 
             a.Communication (person-to-person) 
   B.Technical Design Issues 
        1.Jargon: There aren't many equations in this field, but there are lots of specialized words and, in particular, lots of 
          acronyms! Tanenbaum has them in the appendix. They have to be learned. 
        2.Network types 
             a.Broadcast/Multicast: These send information to all (broadcast) or a subset greater than one (multicast) of 
               machines on the network. 



               Fig. 1-1. analogy: A Professor lecturing to a class 

               The information that you want to send, a packet, will have a header, which tells the machines on the 
               network for whom it is intended as well as data or a payload which is the actual information to be 
               transmitted. It can, of course, be intended for many machines. 

               Note: If packets are small and all have the same size, they are cells. (for example in ATM) 

             b.Point-to-Point: All connections are between individual pairs of machines, and information hops from 
               machine to machine to get to its final destination. 


               Fig 1-2. A telephone tree is an example of a point-to-point network. 

             c.Generally, small-scale networks are broadcast, large-scale networks are point-to-point. 
        3.Network Sizes 

               Fig. 1-3. Classification of interconnected processors by scale. 

             a.The basic sizes are LAN's, MAN's, WAN's and the Internet. 
                    These are distinguished by simpler transmission technology and topology as well as smaller size that 
                    cuts costs. 
                    Bus and rings are popular topologies (both are broadcast.) 

                    Fig. 1-4. Two broadcast networks. (a) Bus. (b) Ring. 

                    An arbitration mechanism is needed to decide who gets to transmit. Usually, only one machine can 
                    transmit at a time. 
                         Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) is on buses. (10-100 Mbps) 
                         Token ring (IEEE 802.5) is on rings. (4-16Mbps) 
                    Essentially, these are networks based on DQDB, distributed queue dual bus (IEEE 802.6) and also 



                    Fig. 1-5. Architecture of the DQDB metropolitan area network. 

                    This one has two buses with uni-directional flow. There is a head end in both directions to govern the 
                    The machines that run applications are called hosts or end systems. The hosts are on LAN's or 
                    MAN's that are connected through routers to a subnet. 

                    Subnet - inter-connected routers 

                    Net - Subnet and hosts 



                    Fig. 1-6. Relation between hosts and the subnet. 

                    When two messages want the same output port of a router, that is called contention. Typically, both 
                    packets are received, and one is immediately forwarded while the other is stored or buffered. [This 
                    network is point-to-point, store-and-forward or packet-switched (as opposed to circuit-switched, 
                    where a connection is set up in advance.)] 
                    Managing this connection is a major network management issue and interacts with the topology. 
                    Note: A variety of different topologies exist and are shown in Fig. 1-7. More connectivity implies 
                    less contention but higher cost. 

                    Fig. 1-7. Some possible topologies for a point-to-point subnet. 
                    (a)Star. (b)Ring. (c)Tree. (d) Complete. (e)Intersecting rings. (f) Irregular. 

                    When buffers overflow, packets are dropped. The users must detect this and re-transmit. 
             e.Internets vs. the Internet 
                  a.A collection of inter-connected networks is an internet. These networks may be based on 
                    incompatible software and/or hardware. They must be connected through a gateway that talks to 
                  b.The Internet is a particular internet that includes virtually universities, businesses, most US 
                    Government organizations, etc. 
  C.Reference Models 



          Fig. 1-8. Layers, protocols, and interfaces. 

             a.Because networks are complicated, one divides them conceptually into layers. Each layer carries on a 
               conversation between hosts without knowing what is going on above or below using a set of conventions or 
               rules that are called protocols. 
             b.Other jargon: 
                    Corresponding layers on different machines are peers. 
                    Below layer 1 is the physical medium through which the hosts actually connect. 
                    The interface defines the services that a lower layer provides an upper layer (see Tanenbaum 
                    The network architecture defines the layers and protocols. 
                    The protocol stack is the list of protocols used by the architecture. 
                  1.Tanenbaum has an example in which one philosopher wants to send another a message "I love 
                    rabbits" but they do not speak the same language. The philosophers exchange messages directly with 
                    translators (interface) who don't understand the philosophical meaning of the message but know 
                    enough to translate it into a language that all translators know-Dutch in this example. The translators 
                    directly exchange messages with the secretaries (interface) who may not know Dutch but can 
                    transcribe and send words (service) and then send the message (physical medium.) 

                    Fig. 1-9. The philosopher-translator-secretary architecture 

                  2.Two programs, WordPerfect and Microsoft Word want to transfer a document "Network Studies," 
                    preserving formatting. These are converted into RTF (rich-text-format) which is pure ASCII and 
                    contains the additional information that way. These are then converted into the bit string appropriate 
                    for the computer it is on, e.g. a PC vs. a Macintosh and then sent via a modem. 
             d.At each level, headers and/or trailers are added to communicate needed information; also packets may 
               need to be subdivided. At a lower layer, the layer looks at the headers from higher levels as part of the 
               message! It makes no distinction between the headers and messages at higher levels. 

               Fig. 1-10. Example information flow supporting virtual communication in layer 5. 

             e.Each layer may manage error control sequencing and communication. 
                    Circuits are not perfect; errors should be detected and corrected. In older protocols (X.25 and 
                    stacks) meant for error-prone media(copper wires), error-correction is done at lower layers and 
                    frequently. Also correction as opposed to just detection is mandatory. In new protocols (ATM) 
                    meant for relatively error-free media (optical fibers), error control can be done at higher layers. 

                    Tradeoff: Reducing congestion by allowing rerouting versus the additional complexity and cost of 
                    sorting out the packets on the end and time sensitive. [Voice and video are time-sensitive; computer 
                    data usually is not. Computer data is bursty; voice and video usually are not.] 



                    Fig. 1-11. Note: tradeoff is cost per application bit. The total number of other bits sent should be 

                    Do packets arrive in the order that they are sent? If not, they must be sorted out. 
                    Is communication one-way or two-way? Is it connection-oriented or connectionless? 
        2.Connection-oriented and connectionless 
             a.Connection-oriented: This is like the phone system. You establish a connection prior to sending any 
               messages. The messages are then received in the order they are sent. [Messages correspond to the 
               transmitted voice which cannot be garbled.] The connection is then released. 
             b.Connectionless: This is like the postal system. Two letters are routed independently and a sequence of 
               letters does not necessarily arrive from sender to destination that it is sent. 
             c.Quality of Service (QoS): Some services are reliable, implying that they never lose data. Reliability is 
               usually important for data (but not electronic junk mail) but not for voice. 


               Fig. 1-12. 

               Different layers can and do have different QoS. For example: TCP/IP which is used on the Internet offers 
               unreliable, connectionless service on the (lower) IP level and reliable, connection-oriented service on the 
               (upper) TCP level. 

        3.OSI Reference Model 
             a.This model is based on a proposal for international standardization of network protocols: 

               ISO = Internation Standards Organization 

               OSI = Open Systems Interconnection 

               It has seven layers as shown in Fig. 1-13 of Tanenbaum. In practice, layers have different sizes; they can be 
               fat or thin. 

             b.Layer Structure 

               Fig. 1-13. The OSI reference model. 

                    Physical Layer: concerned with mechanical, electrical, and procedural interfacing with the physical 
                    transmission medium. 
                    Data Link Layer: Carves data into frames (typically 100-1000 bytes), transmits them sequentially 
                    and then re-transmits them if there are errors. There can be a duplicate if an acknowledgement frame 
                    is lost. This layer deals with damaged, lost, and duplicate frames. It also deals with flow regulation so 
                    that a fast transmitter doesn't drown a slow receiver. 
                    MAC Sublayer: Broadcast networks must also control access to the shared channel. This issue is 
                    dealt with in a special sublayer. 
                    Network Layer: This layer is aware of the whole subnet topology and is responsible for routing 
                    packets. Depending on the protocols, this can be static or dynamic. It also must control congestion 
                    in the network when too many users wish to use the network. 
                    Transport Layer: This layer takes data from the upper (applications) layers and packages it for 
                    transport on the network. It can use several network connections for one message if speed is 
                    required or bundle several messages on one connection to reduce costs. It sets the quality of service 
                    [e.g., error-free point-to-point, sequential]. It also monitors data flow from host-to-host (like 
                    router-to-router control in the data link layer.) 
                    Session and Presentation Layers: These two layers establish sessions and worry about synchronizing 
                    transfer (putting checkpoints in the data stream) and syntax (ASCII vs. Unicode.) This layer is thin in 
                    practice since the applications typically reach into the transport layer. Tannenbaum generally 
                    subsumes them under applications and so shall we. 
                    Applications: E-mail (communication), Telnet (file transfer), Terminal emulators (for making the legs 
                    on a Macintosh or a PC work remotely on a SUN), etc. 
             c.Each layer adds its information in headers or trailers that are treated as data by the layers below and are 
               stripped off as the data goes back up the chain in the receiving host. 


               Fig. 1-14. An example of how the OSI model is used. Some of the headers may be null. 

        4.TCP/IP Reference Model 
             a.The Internet is based on TCP/IP; so, it is a real-world, very important protocol. [The OSI model is very 
               important conceptually and more complete, but there is not existing network that corresponds to it exacty. 
             b.A goal of TCP/IP is to provide connections that are maintained when routers between the source and 
               destination go down. 

                    Fig. 1-15. The TCP/IP reference model. 

                  1.Host-to-Host Network: This layer, which corresponds to the data link and physical layers is not 
                    defined within TCP/IP and varies from network to network. 
                  2.Internet Layer: This layer injects packets into the network and routes them to their destinations. The 
                    service is connectionless. Each packet travels independently to its destination. Packets can arrive out 
                    of order and by different paths. The protocol used at this layer is IP (Internet protocol). Routing and 
                    avoiding congestion are the key issues. 
                  3.Transport Layer: This layer allows peer entities (e.g., E-mail) on the source and destination hosts 
                    exchange messages. There are two end-to-end protocols defined: 


                    Fig. 1-16. Protocols and networks in the TCP/IP model initially. 

                         TCP (transmission control protocol): It is reliable and connection oriented. On the transmitting 
                         end, it takes the incoming byte stream and breaks it into packets for transport. On the 
                         receiving end, it re-assembles them into the output sequence. It handles flow control and error 
                         UDP (user datagram protocol): It is an unreliable, connectionless protocol. It is used by 
                         applications that want to handle their own flow control, error control, and sequencing. 
                         Examples: one-shot client-server request-reply queries and time-sensitive messages (like 
                         video and voice.) 
                  4.Application Layer: The usual suspects appear in this layer: Telnet (virtual terminal), PINE (E-mail), 
                    FTP (file transfer), HTTP (fetching pages on theWWW), etc. 
             d.Note that the internet (network) layer is connectionless while the transport layer running TCP is 
               connection-oriented. Thus, we see that being connectionless or connection-oriented is a property of a 
               layer, not the network. 
        5.OSI vs. TCP/IP 
             a.The basic distinction between the OSI model and the TCP/IP model is between theory and practice. 
             b.In OSI: the model came first and then the protocols. The protocols are unwieldly and have not been 
               successfully implemented. By contrast, it has been a great success conceptually. 
             c.In TCP/IP: Just the opposite holds. Conceptually, it does not distinguish well between layers, protocols, 
               and interfaces. In practice, it is widely used in the network and transport layers, but it doesn't deal with the 
               data link and physical layers which must be separately implemented. 
  D.Networks and Network Services 
        1.For PC LAN's, a very commonly used network system is Novell NetWare. Its protocol stack predates OSI and 
          looks a lot like TCP/lP. 

          Fig. 1-17. The Novell NetWare reference model. 

             a.The physical and data link layers use standard LAN protocols like ethernet or token ring. 
             b.At the network layer, there is an unreliable connectionless protocol called IPX. Above that in the transport 
               layer, there is a connection-oriented transport protocol NCP (network core protocol) and another SPX for 
               just transport. 
             c.Just like in TCP/IP, it is based on an internet datagram packet which is created at the network layer. Its 
               structure is shown below and in Tannenbaum. 

               Fig. 1-18. A Novell NetWare IPX packet. 

             d.When a new machines boots up, it exchanges messages with routers and servers so that they become 
               aware of the machine's presence and the machine becomes aware of the services that are offered. 
        2.SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service) 
             a.This is a service offered by RBOC's (Regional Bell Operating Companies), other regional carriers, and 
               long-distance carriers. It is designed to deal with bursty traffic (typical for data) as opposed to steady traffic 
               (typical for voice). 

               Fig. 1-19. (a) Four LANs interconnected with leased lines. (b) Interconnection using SMDS. 

             b.Shown in the figure is a case where it might be useful. A company wants to hook up four geometrically 
               remore LAN's so that they can transfer data. They can lease lines, but that is inefficient if they are only using 
               the lines a small part of the time. 

               SMDS transmits packets as they arrive. The transmission is connectionless and unreliable. 

               To regulate the traffic, a counter increments regularly. When a new packet is sent in, the number of bytes in 
               it is counted. If the number is less than the counter, it is transmitted, it is sent at the full network speed. 
               Otherwise, it is dropped. 
             a.This approach, widely used outside the US was developed in the 1970's by the CC ITT (Comité 
               Consaltatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique). 
                    Physical layer: X.21 specifies digital links. Actually, virtually all systems that use X.25 have another 
                    physical setup that is analog, based on the RV-232 standard. 
                    Data link: A number of (slightly incompatible) variations exist. It takes care of transmission errors on 
                    the telephone lines. 
                    At the network layer, it is connection-oriented and reliable; its packets are 128 bytes. A 'personal' 
                    circuit is set up that is called a permanent virtual circuit. 
             c.They operate up to 64 Kbps so they are obsolete for many purposes. 
        4.Frame relay: This is a 'bare bones' service that is analogous to a virtual leased line. Like SMDS, it uses counters 
          to make sure that the averaged (leased) transmission rate is not violated. Its base speed 1.5 Mbps is much higher 
          than X.25. It takes advantage of reliable digital lines by eliminating most error control and all flow control. That 
          lowers cost but requires users to provide a functionality themselves. 
        5.B-ISDN and ATM 
             a.The phone companies use a plethora of networks for different services. 
                    POTS: plain old telephone service is the circuit-switched network used for voice SMDS; frame relay 
                    are packet-switched and separate. 
                    SSN7: phone companys' signalling network, and it also separate. 
                    The phone companies would also like to offer cable TV service. 
             b.A perceived solution is to invent a single digital network that can deliver all these services as well as other 
               services like movies and music on demand, interactive libraries to the home, videoconferencing, etc. 

               This service is called B-ISDN (Broadband integrated services digital network.) 

             c.The underlying technology for B-ISDN is ATM (Asynchronous transfer mode). It is called asynchronous 
               because its basic packets (called cells) are not tied to a master clock. Each cell is 53 bytes long with 5 
               bytes of header and 48 bytes of data. 

               Fig. 1-20. An ATM cell. 

             d.Why cell switching? 
                    This is a giant break from circuit-switching which is the historical switching technology in the phone 
                    Small cells imply that time sensitivity can be respected where needed. At the same time, 
                    broadcasting and data flow (with a significant overhead) are possible. 
             e.ATM is connection-oriented. While delivery is not reliable, sequence is. (Reliability can be assured since it 
               is required for some applications.)[One of the complaints about ATM is that it looks a lot like voice.] 
             f.ATM has its own reference model (why not?) which is not the same as the OSI model. 

               Fig. 1-21. The ATM layers and sublayers, and their functions. 

                    The physical layer deals with the physical medium and "transport convergence." In ATM jargon, 
                    interfaces are replaced by convergence sublayers. 
                    The ATM layer defines the header fields of the cells and also deals with establishing and releasing 
                    virtual circuits and with congestion. 
                    The AAL layer deals with breaking up the application data into cells and re-assembling them. 
                    Different AAL's are needed for different data. 

                    Fig. 1-22. The B-ISDN ATM reference model. 


                    Fig. 1-23. 

             g.The ATM reference model is actually 3-dimensional. The user plane deals with data transport, flow control, 
               and error control. The control plane deals with connection management. Then, the layers and planes must 
               be managed. 
             h.The layers have sublayers and the top-most and bottom-most sublayers deal with getting a host of different 
               applications with very different needs to talk to the same protocols and getting these protocols to talk to a 
               host of different transmission media. 
             i.My Own Perspectives (see Tannenbaum for his) 
                    ATM was designed by committee (like OSI) and is a complicated mess for that reason. 
                    ATM will come as a high-speed transport mechanism, but I am very unsure that B-ISDN will come 
                    and take over all services. 
        1.In order to assure some ability to communicate between different computers, phones, networks, etc. Standards 
          have to be established. 
        2.Increasingly, vendors are building to "open" standards, rather than using "closed" standards (e.g., UNIX vs. 
          VAX-VMS) because buyers have repeatedly demonstrated that they will bug inferior "open" products (arguably, 
          VMS v. UNIX in operating systems, Apple vs. DOS machines in PC's, etc.) 
        3.Standards can be: 

          defacto: standards that have just happened (e.g., UNIX or the IBM PC). 

          dejure: have been established by one of the standards bodies. 

        4.Telephone Standards 
             a.In the US, one must mediate between the long-distance carriers (AT&T, MCI, Sprint, etc.) , the RBOC's 
               (Bell Atlantic, Pacific Bell, etc.), and other local carriers (1500, including GTE). 
             b.Internationally, most countries have a national phone system, although the worldwide trend is toward more 
             c.The ITU (Internation Telecommunication Union) sets the standards for communications. Since 1947, it is 
               an agency of the United Nations. It has three sectors: 
                    ITU-R: Radio communications 
                    ITU-T: Telecommunication standards 
                    ITU-D: Development 

               Our primary concern is the ITU-T which is the successor organization to the CC ITT (as of 1993). 
             d.Working groups in ITU make recommendations for phone systems (and networks) that are widely 
               respected and all major phone and telecommunications companies are included. 
        5.There is also ISO (International Standards Organization), a voluntary, non-treaty organization whose members 
          include most of the nation standards organizations. 

          ANSI: American National Standards Institute 

          BSI, AFNOR, and DIN are corresponding organizations in Britain, France, and Germany. 
               ISO has 200 technical committees; TC97 deals with computers and information processing. 
               Each TC forms working groups; the working groups have over 100,000 members. 
        6.Other important sources for standards: 
               NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology 
               IEEE: Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
        7.The Internet has its own standardization procedures which are described by Tanenbaum.