I. C. C   (Individual Comunication Council) 


     (return to main  

       Homepage link) 

   About me  
     (all of my life, 
       family friend) 

     (my work for 


Suk  Lee

 Hey all. I'm gonna be graduating soon,   
 so I figured I'd better share my collective   
 knowlege of the web with you all.  
 Actually, I guess it isn't knowledge;  
 More like help with your quests.  

 I know it will not satisfy your curiously 
 when you visit here, because you cann't 
 find the trasures in here, but I promise  
 you, I'll improve this site as time goes on

What's up?

1. You can have "Computer   Network" note book which  last  term we learned(chapter 1 to   chapter 4)   

2. New Guestbook is published, please visit there, and have a   
enjoy time.   
3. Bits, Symbols, Bauds, and Badwidth summary is here, look! 

3. here you get IEEE 802 Seriesflow chart look at it, it's fantastic

Editor Note

1. Unforturnately, you are still not able to get it Korean version.  We are really sorry about that, we are going to work hard and as soon as possibly, we will provied you will access to the Korean version   

2. You really want to know what I.C.C stands for? we will make it sure that it comes on line soon.  .   

 This page last modified Oct 27, 1998       

Copyright © 1998, I.C.C(individual communication council)